John Jordan Foundation Supporting Schools of Hope

Social Responsibility

Supporting Our Youth
Founded in 2012, the John Jordan Foundation (JJF) was created to provide disadvantaged youth and young adults with the tools needed to succeed educationally and professionally, from cradle to career. JJF has helped thousands of families through education, after-school enrichment and health programs. To date, the foundation has supported more than 220 partner organizations, more than 1,000 teachers have received grants for their classrooms and more than 400 California schools have been served.

Health & Education
The foundation has funded iPad and Chromebook education pilot programs to bring technology into some of California’s poorest schools, a new pediatric wing at Santa Rosa Health Centers, Accelerated English Language instruction programs, and numerous programs for abused and special-needs children. Through its Teachers’ Wishes program, which touches 7,500 students each year, the foundation supports classroom projects for local school teachers affected by ongoing state and local budget cuts.

The foundation invests in education programs, such as bringing technology, mental health services and career technical pathways into some of California’s most under-resourced schools. Recent projects include providing funding for two new pediatric dental wings at Santa Rosa Health Centers and making a $1 million commitment to the Social Advocates for Youth, which helps homeless and foster youth build sustainable lives through housing, counseling and career services. Our investment helped SAY build its Dream Center to increase housing capacity by 60 percent, and create a dedicated John Jordan Foundation Career Hub at the facility.

Community Spirit
When our community has faced unexpected crises, the foundation has pivoted resources to other areas of need. JJF and Jordan Winery partnered with Sonoma County Grape Growers Foundation to establish a new housing recovery fund for farm workers displaced by the 2017 Wine Country wildfires. In March 2020, JJF donated $150,000 to establish the Sonoma Family Meal Restaurant Disaster Relief Fund, which paid shuttered restaurants to open their kitchens and feed those struggling with food insecurity during the pandemic.

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