Compassionate aid for our furry friends.
Animals have a special place in the hearts of those at The John Jordan Foundation and Jordan Winery. The Foundation has recently embarked on an initiative to support programs that improve the quality of life for pets.
John Jordan Foundation is proud to partner with Soi Dog Foundation to help the millions of dogs and cats living on the streets of Asia with no one else to care for them. Soi Dog was created to provide a sustainable solution to manage the stray population, address their medical needs and improve their welfare, resulting in better lives for both the animal and human communities. Over the last 19 years, Soi Dog has neutered and vaccinated over 800,000 stray dogs and cats throughout Thailand.
John Jordan has personally supported Canine Companions with aviation transportation support, piloting puppies to their forever homes!

Current Programs Supported
A global organization dedicated to improving the welfare of dogs and cats in Asia.